• 2024-09

    The “fight” between Apple, Tencent and Tiktok is a game between Super App and closed source system, and the core is the battle of business model. The ecology and revenue model of small games like WeChat and Tiktok ecology are built based on the small programs of super apps. As the operator of iOS system, Apple extends its hand into the small programs of super apps and forcibly draws fees from manufacturers. Is it really reasonable?

  • As of the close, the Nasdaq fell 3.26%; The S&P 500 index fell 2.12%, while the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell 1.51%. Large tech stocks experienced a general decline, with Nvidia falling over 9% and its market value plummeting by $278.9 billion (approximately RMB 1986.1 billion), marking the largest single day decline since late April; Intel fell over 8%, Google and Netflix fell over 3%, Apple fell over 2%, and Meta, Amazon, and Microsoft fell over 1%. Most Chinese concept stocks fell, with the Nasdaq China Golden Dragon Index falling 0.86%.

  • On September 3rd, a total of 22 stocks on the Dragon and Tiger List showed the presence of institutions, with 13 stocks showing net institutional buying and 9 stocks showing net institutional selling. The top three stocks with net purchases by institutions on that day were Shenzhen Huaqiang, Jin Yinhe, and Tuowei Information. The top three stocks with net sales by institutions on that day were China General Nuclear Power, Kaisheng Technology, and Rijiu Optoelectronics.

  • 2024-09

    On September 2nd local time, US President Biden announced that he will soon present a final proposal to both sides of the Israeli Palestinian conflict regarding the agreement to release detained individuals. He also stated that Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu did not do enough to reach an agreement with the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) to release detainees.

  • On September 2nd local time, the Venezuelan government issued a statement condemning the previous illegal detention of President Maduro’s plane by the US government. On that day, the United States seized a plane frequently used by Venezuelan President Maduro in the Dominican Republic, claiming that its acquisition violated US sanctions and involved other criminal issues.

  • On September 2nd local time, British Foreign Secretary Lamy announced the suspension of the UK’s export license for some weapons to Israel.

  • On the evening of September 2nd local time, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu stated that he insists Israel should control the “Philadelphia Corridor” along the border between Gaza Strip and Egypt, and accuses the Egyptian government of failing to ensure the security of the border area between Egypt and Gaza Strip.

  • On September 2nd, Russian President Putin attended an open class event at a middle school in Kizil, the capital of the Tuva Republic of the Russian Federation. When talking about the importance of language learning, he said that learning Chinese in Russia is becoming increasingly “hot” and that his family has children who “can speak Chinese and speak it very fluently”. Putin also emphasized the importance of learning English.

  • On September 2nd local time, Ukrainian Verkhovna Rada (parliament) member Hreznytsky announced that the chairman of the board of directors of the Ukrainian National Energy Company, Kudrytsky, has been dismissed.

  • On September 2nd local time, Japan Atomic Energy Corporation announced that on August 24th, the system used for cooling the spent fuel pool and equipment at Unit 2 of the Dunga Nuclear Power Plant in Fukui Prefecture was found to be leaking water. The leaked water may have flowed into the sea. The Japan Atomic Energy Corporation stated that the leaked water does not contain radioactive substances and has not confirmed any radioactive impact on the surrounding environment.

  • The latest data released by the South Korean Statistics Agency shows that the number of newborns in South Korea in 2023 will be 230000, the lowest level since the country began counting in 1970. At the same time, South Korea’s total fertility rate in 2023 also hit a new low of 0.72. Among them, the total fertility rate in the capital Seoul is only 0.55.

  • On September 2nd, there were rumors that WeChat may not support iPhone 16, and once an iPhone is upgraded to iOS 18.2, it will not be able to use WeChat, and users will not be able to use WeChat. The reporter learned from insiders that this rumor is a rumor.

  • After Apple announced a new product launch event on September 10th Beijing time, Huawei also announced a launch event on September 10th. On September 2nd, Huawei’s official WeChat account announced that the Huawei Vision Extraordinary Brand Ceremony and the HarmonyOS Zhixing New Product Launch Conference will be held at 2:30 pm on September 10th. Subsequently, Yu Chengdong, Executive Director of Huawei, Chairman of Terminal BG, and Chairman of Intelligent Automotive Solutions BU, responded that Huawei’s most leading, innovative, and disruptive product has arrived.

  • September 2nd (Monday) is the US Labor Day holiday, and the US stock market is closed for one day. Normal trading will resume on Tuesday, September 3rd.

  • On September 2nd, a total of 31 stocks on the Dragon and Tiger List showed the presence of institutions, with 10 stocks showing net institutional buying and 21 stocks showing net institutional selling. The top three stocks purchased by institutions on that day were Tonghua Jinma, Huafeng Shares, and Skyworth Digital. The top three stocks sold by institutions on that day were Haoshang Hao, Liyuan Information, and Qianhe Flavor Industry.

  • 2024-09

    Cairo, September 2 (Xinhua) — “As one of the most important mechanisms for China Africa cooperation, the importance of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation is not only reflected in the economic aspect, but also as a platform for collective dialogue between Africa and China.” On the occasion of leading a delegation to attend the Forum on China Africa Cooperation summit in early September, Egyptian Prime Minister Mustafa Madebli said in a written interview with Xinhua reporters that the Forum on China Africa Cooperation has enriched the development connotation of Africa China relations and achieved fruitful results.

    On January 14, 2024, Egyptian Prime Minister Madbri (front left) inspected the Central Business District project of Egypt's new administrative capital. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Li Binghong)On January 14, 2024, Egyptian Prime Minister Madbri (front left) inspected the Central Business District project of Egypt’s new administrative capital. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Li Binghong)

    Looking back at the situation when the Forum was established in 2000 and the achievements of today’s Africa China cooperation, we can see that Africa China relations and cooperation have made significant progress and development, which is remarkable in various fields, “said Madbury.

    In Madebuli’s view, the upcoming 2024 Forum on China Africa Cooperation summit will further promote the development of cooperation between the two sides, and the priority areas of cooperation in the next stage can focus on the challenges currently faced by the African continent.

    Africa is increasingly aware of the severity of these challenges and is determined to make changes to make the continent more self reliant, especially in meeting the basic needs of its people and food needs, “said Madbury.

    He pointed out that Egypt was the first Arab and African country to establish diplomatic relations with New China, reflecting the uniqueness of the long-standing relationship between the two countries. Since then, the relationship between the two sides has continued to develop, and both sides have a profound understanding of each other’s positions on regional and international issues.

    Madbury said that in recent years, Egypt, together with China, has made contributions to promoting the development of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation and the Forum on China Arab Cooperation. “Egypt is one of the first countries to join the” the Belt and Road “initiative, and actively responds to China’s global development initiative, global security initiative and global civilization initiative. This year, Egypt and China celebrated the 10th anniversary of the establishment of the comprehensive strategic partnership.” He believes that the two sides have formed a multi-level cooperation framework.

    Madbury has visited China many times, the most recent of which was to attend the third “the Belt and Road” International Cooperation Summit Forum last October. During the interview, he particularly talked about the key projects of the cooperation between the two countries to jointly build the “the Belt and Road” – China Egypt Teda Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone (Teda Cooperation Zone) and the new administrative capital of Egypt, the Central Business District.

    Madbury said that the TEDA Cooperation Zone, which was founded in 2008, has attracted many enterprises involved in new building materials, high and low voltage equipment and machinery manufacturing, and has gradually become a model project for the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road” initiative and Egypt’s “Suez Canal Corridor Economic Belt”. The cooperation zone intends to attract new energy and green low-carbon development projects in the future.

    When it comes to the Central Business District project of Egypt’s new administrative capital undertaken by a Chinese company, Madbury said that this project is the largest project implemented by a Chinese enterprise in Egypt, reflecting the excellent cooperative relationship between Egypt and China, and is a major achievement of bilateral cooperation.

    Madbury emphasized that Egypt is benefiting from sharing development achievements with China, and the Egyptian government appreciates the tangible achievements of Egypt China cooperation in the past decade. Egypt is eager to further develop this relationship and is working hard to consolidate and strengthen its cooperative relationship with China, “Madbury said.” Egypt looks forward to cooperating with China to implement more development projects

    Madbury believes that in the next stage, both parties can focus on joint investment, green energy, industrial localization, and vocational and technical talent training. We will strive to attract more Chinese investment in the future, especially in areas of common interest, including new and renewable energy, green economy, digitization, green hydrogen production, and waste recycling. At the same time, we will attach importance to investment in the tourism industry, especially the tourism hotel industry

    In January 2024, Egypt became an official member of the BRICS countries. Madbury believes that this reflects the deep connection between Egypt and the BRICS countries, and brings many opportunities for deepening cooperation between the two sides. He said, “Egypt is willing to make effective contributions within the framework of the BRICS cooperation mechanism and achieve constructive cooperation with other members

    Regarding the role played by Egypt and China in easing tensions in the Middle East, Madbury stated that the two countries share the same view on the importance of maintaining security in the region. He pointed out that Egypt will continue to work with China to avoid further escalation of the regional situation, while supporting the just cause of the Palestinian people to restore their legitimate national rights, and promoting a comprehensive, just, and lasting solution to the Palestinian issue based on the “two-state solution”.

  • 2024-09

    Cairo, September 1 (Xinhua) – Exclusive interview: Forum on China Africa Cooperation is a powerful platform for pragmatic and efficient cooperation – Interview with Sudanese Minister of Energy and Petroleum Muhidin

    Sudan’s Minister of Energy and Petroleum, Muhidin Naim Mohamed Said, recently stated in a written interview with Xinhua News Agency in the eastern city of Port Sudan that practice has proven that the Forum on China Africa Cooperation plays a crucial role in promoting Africa China trade and investment, as well as people to people exchanges, by facilitating the implementation of a large number of key infrastructure projects. It has become a powerful platform for both sides to carry out pragmatic and efficient cooperation and jointly build a high-level community with a shared future.

    Muxidin said that the Forum on China Africa Cooperation summit is about to be held in Beijing. To discuss friendship, cooperation, and the future at a higher level is not only the urgent desire of the African and Chinese people, but also the practical needs of the new era and new situation. He hopes that while continuously expanding investment and trade in traditional fields such as infrastructure and agriculture, Africa and China will gradually extend their cooperation to emerging fields such as clean energy and green economy, providing strong impetus for the common development of Africa and China, and opening up a beautiful vision for the traditional friendship between Africa and China.

    Muhidin said that Sudan and China have a traditional friendly relationship, and the relationship between the two countries can be regarded as a model of South South cooperation. This year marks the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries. The Soviet side attaches great importance to this opportunity to consolidate and develop the strategic partnership between the two countries. It is willing to deepen practical cooperation in various fields between the two countries within the framework of the China Africa, China Arab Cooperation Forum and the “the Belt and Road” initiative. As the gateway to the African continent and a member of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation, Sudan can leverage its unique geographical advantages to become a bridge for communication and exchange between Africa and China, contributing to the upgrading of Africa China relations.

    Over the years, China and Sudan have had fruitful cooperation in areas such as oil. Since the 1990s, with the help of China, Sudan has established a complete oil industry chain, jumping from an oil importing country to an oil exporting country. At the same time, Chinese companies are constantly growing and expanding through cooperation.

    Muhidin highly praised the achievements of the cooperation between Sudan and China in the oil industry, and affirmed the important contributions made by China to establish a modern oil industry system in Sudan. He said that Sudan regards China as a strategic partner. Muhidin plans to visit China at the end of August and participate in activities related to the Forum on China Africa Cooperation summit with the delegation. He said that the focus of this visit to China is on the oil and power sectors, exploring the restoration and strengthening of existing cooperation between the two sides. At the same time, he also hoped that this trip could lay a solid foundation for deepening all-round exchanges and cooperation between the two sides in the future and better benefit the two peoples.

    The oil industry plays an important role in the Sudanese economy. Muhidin revealed that the Sudanese Ministry of Energy and Petroleum plans to promote the implementation of a number of large-scale projects, including the restoration of the Khartoum refinery and multiple power plants, as well as the construction of a new refinery in Port Sudan. Sudan is also considering installing transmission lines between its states, especially in the Darfur region, to expand the coverage of the national power grid.

    Muhidin expressed that Sudan hopes to establish a cooperative partnership with China in the field of electricity, and eagerly looks forward to Chinese companies returning to Sudan for investment and development at an appropriate time, continuing the deep friendship between the two countries.

  • 2024-08

    In Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia, the office of Biruk Kebede, Executive Director of the East Africa Regional Office of the International Organization for Bamboo and Rattan, is filled with the fragrance of bamboo. The morning light shines through the bamboo curtains and falls on the desk with bamboo pen holders; In Ashanti Province, Ghana, bamboo craftsman George Sarpong and his apprentices are busy among the bamboo groves, transporting high-quality bamboo back to their studios; In the entrepreneurship workshop in Rwanda, local youth Jean Nyongkoru meticulously polished his carving techniques, thinking about how to improve bamboo products and explore broader markets.

    On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre was processing bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre was processing bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Michael Twelde)

    With the strong promotion of both China and Africa, Chinese bamboo and rattan varieties and technologies have taken root in Africa, and the scale of practitioners such as growers, artisans, and researchers continues to expand. The bamboo industry is growing vigorously on the African land, and bamboo is increasingly becoming the “green gold” in the eyes of local people seeking poverty alleviation and sustainable development. At present, the Central African Bamboo Center has been located in Ethiopia, and the construction work is proceeding in an orderly manner.

    Green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver

    The International Bamboo and Vine Organization is committed to the sustainable development of bamboo and rattan. Founded in 1997, it is the first intergovernmental international organization headquartered in China.

    Since the new era, China has vigorously promoted the construction of ecological civilization and actively practiced the development concept of harmonious coexistence between humans and nature. The phrase ‘green mountains and clear waters are as valuable as mountains of gold and silver’ has been translated by locals as’ green is gold ‘, which has resonated widely on the African continent.

    Ghanaian bamboo craftsman Sarpon strongly agrees with this concept: “For me, it is necessary to use every piece of bamboo reasonably, while generating income and protecting nature

    In Ghana, bamboo is known as the ‘wood of the wise’. Influenced by Ghana’s traditional bamboo art culture, Sarpong began creating bamboo art more than 20 years ago, and his studio is filled with various bamboo crafts. In 2016, through the International Bamboo and Vine Organization, he and his Ghanaian colleagues went to China for training. They not only witnessed the superb skills of Chinese bamboo masters, but also learned about the practical experience of using bamboo resources to lift people out of poverty and become prosperous in rural China.

    The trip to China has opened my eyes and made me love my job even more. Now, Sarpong serves as the chairman of the Ghana National Bamboo and Vine Craftsmen Association. I hope to learn from the experience of China’s bamboo and rattan industry and promote the accelerated development of bamboo and rattan in Ghana

    Flavia Munaba, the President of the Uganda Bamboo Association, served as the Minister of State for Environmental Affairs in Uganda and has been particularly concerned about the issue of excessive deforestation in Africa since then. Her multiple experiences in China have made her pay more attention to the important value of bamboo as a substitute for forest wood. She also actively promotes cooperation between Uganda and China in environmental protection and climate change.

    China’s active promotion of the concept and actions of green development is very enlightening for the development of Africa, “she told reporters.” I am very pleased to see that Ukraine and China have launched environmental protection cooperation, and I believe this will effectively promote the further development of Uganda’s bamboo industry

    This is a bamboo product taken on August 10th at the bamboo and rattan studio called This is a bamboo product taken on August 10th at the bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Michael Twelde)

    Green gold brings opportunities for poverty reduction

    Six years ago, Ethiopian woman Fekirt Gabre had no special skills and no fixed source of income. The local government has opened a bamboo weaving craft training course, which has brought a turning point to her life. After training, she not only learned basic bamboo weaving skills, but also received an invitation from the International Bamboo and Vine Organization to participate in a two month bamboo processing training in China.

    Today, Gabriel and several sisters jointly run a bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa. Under their diligent hands, bamboo transforms into hats, baskets, pen holders, and decorations, bringing considerable income.

    In recent years, we have also trained over 130 local people, mainly unemployed youth, women, and people with disabilities. Most of them now make a living through bamboo processing. Gabrei’s team has also been invited by the International Bamboo and Vine Organization to Kenya and Uganda to share their experience.

    On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre showcased bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre showcased bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Michael Twelde)

    China is the country with the richest bamboo resources in the world, and also the earliest country to develop and use bamboo. Under the promotion of the International Bamboo and Vine Organization, a large number of practitioners in the African bamboo and rattan industry have been invited to China for training. China has also dispatched experts to Africa to teach bamboo planting and processing techniques. Kebede has visited China three times in the past 15 years. He said that with the cooperation and promotion between China and the International Bamboo and Vine Organization, thousands of people in East Africa have participated in bamboo industry training activities, and about 15 pilot projects for bamboo development are being promoted.

    Professor Shi Yongjun from Zhejiang Agriculture and Forestry University once went deep into the mountainous areas of Ethiopia with colleagues to carry out training on the development and practical techniques of bamboo forest carbon sequestration projects. Bamboo forests are distributed in high-altitude areas of over 4200 meters, with foggy and oxygen deficient conditions, as well as the presence of insects, snakes, and wild animals. The conditions are harsh. The arrival of the Chinese expert team has brought great joy to the local people.

    Many people spontaneously came to help, participated in the investigation with us, and even brought us water and food. These moments are unforgettable for Shi Yongjun to this day.

    On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre was processing bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre was processing bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Michael Twelde)

    Spread to a wider land

    I have a dream: to establish a ‘one-stop’ bamboo and rattan center for people to learn about bamboo knowledge, learn bamboo planting, research and develop bamboo related products, and collect literature and materials about bamboo. “Ugandan Abi Steve Tusimi has opened a bamboo company and is confident in the future development of the bamboo industry on the African continent.

    Tu Ximei has been obsessed with bamboo since childhood, and whenever she travels, she wants to bring a local bamboo seedling home. In 2018, he flew to Beijing out of his own pocket to attend the first World Bamboo and Vine Congress and returned with a full load. Using the seeds and technology brought back from Beijing, he founded a company, built nurseries, cultivated bamboo forests, and even published articles in Ugandan newspapers about his trip to China, striving to promote the bamboo industry.

    As the company began to generate revenue, more and more people came to “learn from it”. Tusimei believes that bamboo planting is an easy to promote entrepreneurial model and hopes that more people can join and benefit from it.

    Rwandan youth Nyongkoru also has a ‘bamboo dream’. In 2018, he received two months of bamboo planting training in China and mastered the skills of making bamboo products, thus “opening the door to a new world”. After returning to Rwanda, he formed a team with friends specializing in green and environmentally friendly bamboo craftsmanship, and actively helped others plant bamboo.

    Thank you to China for changing my life trajectory, “said Ni Yongkulu. He hopes to further expand his team size, provide employment opportunities for more people, and” sow the seeds on a wider land.

    On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre showcased bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre showcased bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Michael Twelde)

    On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre was processing bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called On August 10th, Fikirt Gabre was processing bamboo products at a bamboo and rattan studio called “Green Gold” in Addis Ababa, the capital of Ethiopia. Xinhua News Agency (photo by Michael Twelde)

    On August 16th, in Kampala, Uganda, a staff member of the Uganda Bamboo Association showcased organic fertilizers made from bamboo. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)On August 16th, in Kampala, Uganda, a staff member of the Uganda Bamboo Association showcased organic fertilizers made from bamboo. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)

    On August 5th, Abi Sitif Tusimi was cooking bamboo at a bamboo plantation in Mbarara City, western Uganda. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)On August 5th, Abi Sitif Tusimi was cooking bamboo at a bamboo plantation in Mbarara City, western Uganda. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)

    On August 16th, in Kampala, Uganda, a staff member of the Uganda Bamboo Association showcased bamboo products. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)On August 16th, in Kampala, Uganda, a staff member of the Uganda Bamboo Association showcased bamboo products. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)

    On August 16th, Flavia Munaba, President of the Uganda Bamboo Association, was interviewed by reporters in Kampala. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)On August 16th, Flavia Munaba, President of the Uganda Bamboo Association, was interviewed by reporters in Kampala. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Ronald Sekandi)

  • 2024-08

    Beijing, August 29 (Xinhua) — Overview: Chinese technology supports the development of vocational education in Africa

    Strengthening the cultivation of technical talents, especially the expansion of vocational education, is not only a requirement for the economic and social development of Africa, but also an inevitable choice to solve the demographic dilemma in Africa and fully tap into the demographic dividend.

    In recent years, China has strengthened vocational education cooperation with African countries, providing support in areas such as technical talent and teaching staff, and has achieved significant results in multiple fields.

    Africa urgently needs technical talent support for its development

    According to the “Africa Education Transition Report” released by UNICEF and the African Union Commission, by the middle of this century, the number of children and adolescents under the age of 18 in Africa will reach 1 billion, accounting for almost 40% of the global population of the same age group. However, the industrialization and modernization of agriculture in African countries have been relatively slow, partly due to a lack of sufficient technical talent to support their development.

    Regional integration organizations represented by the African Union actively promote the training of African technical talents. The African Union issued the “Africa Vocational and Technical Education and Training Revitalization Strategy” in 2007, aimed at promoting the strengthening of vocational and technical education in African countries; The African Union’s Agenda 2063 also includes “good education and skills under technological innovation” as one of its goals.

    At the same time, African countries have introduced corresponding policies for the development of vocational and technical talents. Taking South Africa as an example, the Ministry of Higher Education and Training previously issued the White Paper on Post Secondary Education and Training, which proposed reform goals for technical education and training, encouraged the connection between higher education and training systems at all levels, expanded the scale of vocational and technical education and training, and proposed that the number of students in vocational and technical colleges in South Africa should reach 2.5 million by 2030.

    However, the cultivation of technical talents in Africa also faces many problems, including insufficient hardware equipment and teaching staff of training institutions, low level of industry university research integration and school enterprise cooperation, insufficient funding investment, and uneven development of vocational and technical education in different regions and social classes.

    Chinese technology brings a new atmosphere to vocational education in Africa

    Vocational education is an important area of education cooperation between China and Africa. The China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan points out that China will continue to strengthen cooperation with Africa in capacity building such as technology transfer, education and training, including the implementation of the “China Africa University 100 Cooperation Plan” and the “the Belt and Road” teacher growth plan, training 500 principals and key teachers for African vocational colleges every year, and training 1000 African native Chinese teachers; Train 10000 local composite talents through the implementation of “Chinese+vocational skills” education. For example, the Confucius Institute in Rwanda began teaching Chinese in 2009 and has successively offered courses such as “Chinese+Bamboo Weaving Technology Training”, “Chinese+Medical Training”, and “Chinese+Agricultural Technology Training”.

    Luban Workshop is one of the key cooperation projects in education and vocational training between China and Africa. At present, China has built 17 Luban workshops in 15 African countries, setting up majors in machinery, railways, etc., to meet the needs of African industrialization and China Africa capacity cooperation, and promote local employment. The short-term training organized by some Chinese enterprises under large-scale engineering projects and the vocational and technical colleges built with the assistance of the Chinese government have also played a positive role in cultivating vocational and technical talents in Africa.

    Training in agriculture has brought fruitful results. It is reported that China’s mushroom grass technology has driven hundreds of thousands of people in Africa to increase their income, and the promotion and application of China’s hybrid rice technology has increased the average rice yield in many African countries from 2 tons per hectare to 7.5 tons.

    China also helps Africa cultivate technical talents through the “invite in” approach. A group of international student programs promote the improvement of technical skills among local young people through short-term training and academic education for African students.

  • 2024-08

    Xinhua News Agency, Nairobi, August 25, Title: Jointly building the “the Belt and Road” to stimulate the new vitality of “Made in Africa”

    Since the proposal of jointly building the “the Belt and Road” initiative, the flower of cooperation between China and Africa has blossomed on the vast land of Africa. From Uganda to Egypt, from Senegal to Nigeria, industrial parks and economic zones built and operated by Chinese companies have sprung up like mushrooms after rain, becoming a strong engine to promote Africa’s integration into the global industrial chain and help Africa build emerging brands.

    Jointly build the “the Belt and Road” cooperation to help Africa’s industrialization, promote the sustainable development of local manufacturing industry, and significantly enhance its competitiveness in the global market. With the continuous deepening of China Africa cooperation, “Made in Africa” is ushering in broad development prospects.

    On April 6, 2024, at the UHome home appliance store in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, two customers were selecting products. Most of the household appliances in the store are produced and sold by the Zhongwu Mbale Industrial Park. The slogan On April 6, 2024, at the UHome home appliance store in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, two customers were selecting products. Most of the household appliances in the store are produced and sold by the Zhongwu Mbale Industrial Park. The slogan “BUBU” on the wall is the abbreviation of “Buy Uganda, Build Uganda”. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Yahui

    Park cooperation empowers’ Made in Africa ‘

    Helen Mugala, 27, and hundreds of colleagues come here every morning to start a new day of work with hope in the Central Ubalae Industrial Park located in Mbale, eastern Uganda. This industrial park has brought tangible benefits to many locals. I have learned valuable skills here and also gained stable income, “she said.

    The industrial park is invested and operated by the Chinese private enterprise Tiantang Group. Since its launch in March 2018, it has attracted more than 40 companies to settle in and created over 5000 job opportunities for the local area. The products produced by enterprises in the park are dazzling, ranging from household appliances to daily beauty products, from home textiles to building materials, from drugs, smartphones to televisions, cars, etc., covering all aspects of life. This park covering thousands of hectares has become an incubation platform for local brands, setting an example for Uganda’s industrialization and modernization.

    Mingzhu Technology Co., Ltd. is one of the earliest enterprises to settle in the industrial park, mainly producing lighting products. The LED lamps produced by the company are affordable and easy to maintain, reducing Uganda’s dependence on imported lamps.

    Joseph Otim, a local technician, said, “In the past, LED lighting fixtures in Uganda relied mainly on imports, which were expensive and difficult to maintain. Chinese companies have changed this situation. Now, our company produces about 3 million LED bulbs and tubes every year and sells them throughout Uganda

    The emerging industrial parks constructed and operated by Chinese enterprises in recent years are a microcosm of the deepening cooperation and upgrading of industrial infrastructure between China and Africa. The industrial park in Senegal, the Lequi Free Trade Zone in Nigeria, and the China Egypt Teda Suez Economic and Trade Cooperation Zone, in which China has participated in investment, have played a “nest building and phoenix attracting” role in attracting investment to African countries, promoting the accelerated development of “Made in Africa”.

    On June 2, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya, staff from Kenya Electric Bus Company were charging electric buses. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang GuansenOn June 2, 2023, in Nairobi, Kenya, staff from Kenya Electric Bus Company were charging electric buses. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Guansen

    Green cooperation enhances the charm of ‘Made in Africa’

    The concept of ecological protection and sustainable development advocated by the “the Belt and Road” initiative is helping African countries to adopt green technology and clean energy in manufacturing. This not only builds a green barrier for Africa’s natural environment, but also labels African manufacturing as “green manufacturing”.

    Gogo Electronics, headquartered in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, is one of the three major electric motorcycle manufacturers in the country. This electric motorcycle manufacturer imports lithium batteries from China to provide environmentally friendly and economical travel options for the local market. After purchasing a motorcycle, customers can enjoy a ‘battery swap’ service where they can send their used battery to a replacement station at any time to exchange for a fully charged battery. They will find that choosing an electric motorcycle is not only cost-effective, but also environmentally friendly, “said Yanosh Bisasso, the company’s Chief Operating Officer

    In Kenya, the BasiGo electric bus project also reflects the achievements of China Africa cooperation in the field of eco-friendly transportation. In March 2022, Kenyan startup BasiGo became the first company to launch electric buses in the country. These buses are assembled locally using parts designed by Chinese automaker BYD and can travel 250 kilometers on a single charge.

    The company’s marketing manager Mutoto Sifuna stated that the monthly average fuel cost for diesel buses is as high as 200000 Kenyan shillings (approximately 129 Kenyan shillings per US dollar), while the energy cost for electric buses is only 60000 Kenyan shillings. The company plans to introduce and operate 1000 electric buses by 2025.

    On July 11, 2024, in the city of Kribi in the southern region of Cameroon, Kribi Highway Operation Company held a highway safety lecture at the Ndamale Bilingual School. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Science Popularization)On July 11, 2024, in the city of Kribi in the southern region of Cameroon, Kribi Highway Operation Company held a highway safety lecture at the Ndamale Bilingual School. Xinhua News Agency (Photo by Science Popularization)

    Deepening cooperation to light up the future of ‘Made in Africa’

    The cooperation between China and Africa in the field of electric transport has become a vivid example of the positive results of the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road”. The high-quality products and technologies brought by Chinese enterprises are helping Africa move towards a greener and more sustainable future. By deepening cooperation with China, African manufacturing continues to enhance its production capacity, and by applying eco-friendly and innovative technologies, African brands can establish a foothold in the global market and demonstrate competitiveness.

    Roda Vajira, an official from the United Nations Environment Programme, stated that cooperation with China has enabled African countries to access advanced technology and support. Many African countries are vigorously promoting green transformation through cooperation with China, prioritizing clean energy, which is crucial for achieving global sustainable development.

    Yang Baorong, Director and Researcher of the Economic Research Office at the West Asia and Africa Institute of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, stated in an interview with Xinhua News Agency that China has provided high-quality and affordable technology and products to Africa, making them more affordable for more African people.

    With the deepening of cooperation between the two sides, China and Africa are joining hands to embark on a beautiful future of “Made in Africa”. African countries will develop more advanced technologies, cultivate more professional talents, and explore broader markets. “Made in Africa” is confidently entering a new era of prosperity and sustainable development.

  • 2024-08

    Panama City, August 21 (Xinhua) – The Panama Asia Strategic Research Center held a seminar on “New Journey of China’s Reform and New Opportunities for China Pakistan Relations” in the capital city of Panama City on August 21. The attending experts said that China’s comprehensive deepening of reform and opening up is of great significance to the cooperation between Pakistan and China and the future development of Panama.

    Roberto Montagnes, President of the Panamanian Center for Asian Strategic Studies, said that China is playing an increasingly important role on the world stage, and the joint construction of the “the Belt and Road” initiative is of global significance. For Panama, as a regional commercial and financial center, the development of Brazil China cooperation relations is of special strategic significance.

    Panamanian economist and author of the book “The Silk Road and Panama”, Eddie Tapero, said that China’s development and upgrading also mean huge opportunities for Panama, and technological cooperation between Panama and China can provide assistance for Panama’s domestic industrial upgrading.

    Joan Cooper, Vice Dean of the Canal and International Relations School at the University of Panama, believes that China’s continued deepening of reform and opening up has set an important example for the win-win development of the world economy, and has also drawn a bright prospect for future cooperation between the two countries in various fields such as agriculture, industry, and logistics.

    Chinese Ambassador to Panama Xu Xueyuan said that in the great journey of Chinese path to modernization, China Pakistan practical cooperation will usher in a broader prospect.

    The Panama Asia Strategic Research Center is a well-known think tank in Panama that focuses on new trends in the economic, political, and cultural fields of Asian countries, and is committed to promoting academic exchanges between Panama and Asian countries.

  • Abuja, August 22 (Xinhua) — Capacity building, Accumulating New Forces for China Africa Cooperation – Real, Intimate and Sincere Series of Comments on China Africa Cooperation Part 2

    Recently, in the West African country of Nigeria, the first batch of more than 400 students from the Federal Transport University of Nigeria, which was invested and constructed by Chinese enterprises, completed their first semester of study. Some students will use the summer vacation to carry out practical activities at the rail transit project site of China Civil Engineering Nigeria Co., Ltd., relying on China’s “Dream Building Silk Road” youth development plan and other initiatives, to enhance their skills.

    Building a transportation university in my hometown will turn more people’s dreams into reality. “Aba Haruna Modu, a local engineer at the North Region Management Department of CCECC Nigeria Limited, participated in the construction of the Federal Transportation University of Nigeria. In his opinion, cultivating talents is the key to the development of his hometown.

    Cultivating more talents for the future of Africa is a consistent measure taken by China to support Africa’s development. At the 8th Ministerial Conference of the Forum on China Africa Cooperation held in November 2021, China proposed to closely cooperate with African countries to jointly implement the “Nine Projects”, including capacity building projects. The capacity building project includes China’s assistance in building or upgrading 10 schools in Africa and inviting 10000 high-end African talents to participate in training and seminar activities. Implement the “Future Africa China Africa Vocational Education Cooperation Plan” and carry out activities such as the “African Student Employment Express”.

    At Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, a teacher led Han Shilan (first from the right) and other international students to conduct practical training operations (photo taken on July 29, 2022). Han Shilan comes from Ethiopia. During her studies in Tianjin, Han Shilan actively utilized the advanced vocational education practice conditions of the school to focus on research in the fields of artificial intelligence manufacturing and industrial robots. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li RanAt Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University, a teacher led Han Shilan (first from the right) and other international students to conduct practical training operations (photo taken on July 29, 2022). Han Shilan comes from Ethiopia. During her studies in Tianjin, Han Shilan actively utilized the advanced vocational education practice conditions of the school to focus on research in the fields of artificial intelligence manufacturing and industrial robots. Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Ran

    Last August, the China Africa Leaders’ Dialogue was held during the 15th BRICS Summit in Johannesburg, South Africa. After the meeting, China released three measures to support African integration and modernization, and the “China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan” is one of them. The plan emphasizes that the key to the development and revitalization of China and Africa lies in transforming the massive population into abundant human resources, and using talent dividends to support the country’s modernization development. China will continue to strengthen cooperation with Africa in capacity building such as technology transfer and education and training.

    Teaching people how to fish is better than giving them fish. From the “Luban Workshop” focusing on the cultivation of applied skills to the Confucius Institute to promote cross-cultural exchanges, from the implementation of the “China Africa University 100 Cooperation Plan” and the “the Belt and Road” teacher growth plan, to the training of 10000 local composite talents through the “Chinese+vocational skills” education, China Africa cooperation in capacity building is injecting endogenous impetus into Africa’s development.

    Nowadays, Nigerian female train drivers trained by China can drive Chinese made high-speed trains on the Lagos Light Rail Blue Line constructed by Chinese enterprises; The medical personnel trained in cooperation between China and Comoros have saved the lives of many malaria patients; Tanzanian students who have returned from studying in China are dedicating themselves to agricultural work, cultivating hope on the land of East Africa… Their dreams of making a name for themselves have become a reality through cooperation in capacity building between China and Africa.

    The cooperation in capacity building between China and Africa always starts from the actual needs of Africa, truly “thinking what Africa thinks and being urgent to Africa”, and carries out cooperation on the premise of mutual respect. Faced with the reality of a large proportion of young people and relatively low education levels in Africa as a whole, China has sincerely shared its experience in utilizing the demographic dividend with Africa based on its own development practice. Starting from the basic links and practical projects, China has been down-to-earth in helping Africa cultivate various talents, without attaching ideological conditions and restrictions, respecting the independent choices of African countries, and winning universal recognition from African countries. It has also laid a foundation of mutual trust for long-term cooperation in capacity building.

    On June 3, 2024, in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province, Zambia, Zambian employees participated in training at the China Nonferrous Metals Mining Company Mining Skills Training School using virtual technology equipment. Xinhua News Agency (photo provided by Zhongse Africa Mining Co., Ltd.)On June 3, 2024, in Kitwe, Copperbelt Province, Zambia, Zambian employees participated in training at the China Nonferrous Metals Mining Company Mining Skills Training School using virtual technology equipment. Xinhua News Agency (photo provided by Zhongse Africa Mining Co., Ltd.)

    Looking to the future, China Africa capacity building cooperation is expanding into new fields and reaching new levels. In recent years, China has helped Africa cultivate a large number of scientific and technological talents through the implementation of the “the Belt and Road” International Science Organization Alliance Scholarship, the Chinese Government Scholarship, the “International Outstanding Youth Plan”, the “International Youth Innovation and Entrepreneurship Plan” and other projects. The “China Africa Talent Training Cooperation Plan” proposes to carry out a work plan for young African scientists to come to China. China and Africa will jointly cultivate various talents who are oriented towards modernization of governance capacity, economic and social development, technological innovation and efficiency improvement, and improvement of people’s livelihoods, to support the human capital development goals of the first ten-year plan of the African Union’s “Agenda 2063”. China Africa capacity building cooperation is bearing fruit in areas such as digital economy, cutting-edge technology, and social governance, contributing to the development and revitalization of Africa.

    Guided by the global development initiative and the concept of building a community with a shared future for mankind, capacity building is promoting the joint construction of a development community between China and Africa. The capacity building cooperation between China and Africa focuses on “people-oriented” and comprehensive human development, committed to ensuring that everyone has equal opportunities for development, self realization, and dream pursuit. Believe that every little dream will eventually converge into a magnificent new force for China Africa cooperation.