As of February 26th, 3139 A-share companies have “disclosed” their performance related information for 2024. Among them, 2817 companies disclosed performance forecasts, 480 companies disclosed performance reports, and 12 companies disclosed annual reports (including overlaps). A stable growth, optimized structure, and high return development plan for a listed company is slowly unfolding throughout the year. According to disclosed data, about 60% of A-share companies are expected to achieve profitability. From the perspective of segmented industries and attributes, emerging industries such as semiconductors, new energy vehicles, and artificial intelligence have shown impressive performance, accelerating the pace of industrial transformation and upgrading through technological innovation, and promoting the accelerated transformation of old and new economic drivers. The improved performance has solidified the foundation of returns, including a group of A-share companies such as Tonghuashun and Jucan Optoelectronics launching their 2024 annual report dividend plan (including shareholder proposals), giving back to investors with real money and conveying development confidence. (Shanghai Stock News)
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