Losses exceeding 5% reported that Brevan Howard reduces the risk that traders can bear

On March 13th, amid a decline in performance that wiped out last year’s returns, macro hedge fund expert Brevan Howard Asset Management is reducing the risk that traders can bear. Insiders say that due to increased volatility and market chaos, the company’s CEO Aron Landy has taken some defensive measures in recent days. Insiders say that this includes lowering the risk limits for some traders. According to a letter to investors, the company’s flagship fund, Master Fund, with a scale of $11.7 billion, fell 1% in the first week of March and has accumulated a decline of 5.4% this year. The fund rose by 5.1% last year. Another letter showed that its other large fund, Alpha Strategies, fell 0.8% this week, reducing its 2025 gains to 1.5%.

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