Hamas official: As long as Israel continues its occupation, Hamas will not disarm

On March 23rd, in response to the proposal made by US Middle East envoy Witkov to demand Hamas to disarm, Husam Badran, a senior official of the Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), stated in an interview with the Palestinian media Al Jazeera that as long as Israel continues to occupy Palestine, such a proposal is meaningless. He pointed out that compared to the deadly weapons such as fighter jets and tanks used by Israel, the Palestinian people have the right to use weapons to resist Israel’s occupation, which is granted by international law and conventions. Husam Badran also stated that indirect negotiations between Hamas and Israel are still ongoing, and talks and contacts with relevant mediators are taking place every day. He emphasized that Hamas is still committed to continuing to implement the ceasefire agreement reached by all parties, and pointed out that there are currently many proposals to restore this ceasefire process. Meanwhile, Hussam also accused Prime Minister Netanyahu of prioritizing political interests over achieving a ceasefire. Regarding the post-war governance of Gaza, Hussam emphasized that Hamas has clearly stated that this is an internal matter of Palestine and must be decided by the Palestinian people themselves.

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