6 provinces and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have all implemented the distribution of maternity allowances to individuals

On March 9th, the latest data from the National Healthcare Security Administration showed that currently, all six provinces in China and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have implemented the distribution of maternity allowances to individuals, and 16 provinces have partially implemented the distribution of maternity allowances to individuals. It is reported that Shanghai, Fujian, Shandong, Chongqing, Gansu, Ningxia and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have fully realized the payment of maternity allowance to individuals, and some provinces have realized the payment of maternity allowance to individuals, including Beijing, Tianjin, Hebei, Inner Mongolia, Liaoning, Heilongjiang, Zhejiang, Anhui, Henan, Hunan, Guizhou, Yunnan, Xizang, Shaanxi, Qinghai and Xinjiang. Previously, maternity allowances were generally distributed by medical insurance agencies to employers, and then paid by employers to individuals. As the National Healthcare Security Administration encourages regions with conditions to directly distribute maternity allowances to insured female workers through procedures, more and more insured female workers in regions can enjoy maternity allowances more conveniently and quickly.

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