On January 14th, Slovak Prime Minister Fizo issued an open letter to Ukrainian President Zelensky, responding once again to Ukraine’s decision to stop natural gas transit. The letter stated that the decision caused significant damage to Ukraine itself, Slovakia, and the European Union. Fizo also called for dialogue between the two sides to resolve the energy crisis in the letter, and invited Zelensky to hold a private meeting near the border between the two countries to discuss the issue of transporting natural gas through Ukrainian territory to other countries. Fizo also pointed out that the interruption of natural gas transportation will cause Slovakia to lose about 500 million euros annually and will also affect the competitiveness of the European Union. At the same time, he stated that he would not respond to Zelensky’s criticism of his visit to Russia on January 12. Previously, he had stated that his visit to Russia was to solve the problem of natural gas transportation and protect his own interests.
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