What is the impact of frequent geomagnetic storms across North America on China? Rare Red Warning Release

We have observed frequent solar flares since early May this year, including multiple X-level flares, and several consecutive total halo CMEs observed from May 8th to 9th, all facing Earth. Therefore, we can predict that this geomagnetic storm may be a super strong magnetic storm.

The National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center issued a red geomagnetic storm warning at 9:00 am on May 11, 2024: geomagnetic storms will occur from 23:00 Beijing time on May 10, 2024, with the maximum level reaching the level of a super geomagnetic storm (Kp=9). It is expected that the geomagnetic storm process will continue in the next 24 hours, and there may still be geomagnetic storms in the future.

The National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center stated that due to the impact of geomagnetic storms, the ionosphere in most areas of China will experience disturbances, and shortwave communication and navigation positioning will be affected to varying degrees; The significant increase in atmospheric density in the upper atmosphere will lead to intensified attenuation of low orbit satellite orbits. Please pay attention to the follow-up effects mentioned above. The National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center will closely monitor the development of the event and timely release forecast and warning information. The intensity of this geomagnetic storm is unprecedented, reaching the highest level of a geomagnetic storm (Kp=9). Under the combined effect of the Earth’s magnetic field and atmosphere, colorful auroras can be seen in almost most areas of North America with higher magnetic latitudes. Some regions in China, such as Mohe in Heilongjiang and Altay in Xinjiang, also have brilliant auroras.

Public information shows that geomagnetic storms are a severe global disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field and a typical solar eruption activity. The main cause of geomagnetic storms is the coronal mass ejection (CME) that occurs during solar eruptions. A single ejection can eject billions of tons of solar material carrying strong magnetic field energy from the surface of the sun at high speeds of hundreds to several kilometers per second. Once they hit Earth, they will cause changes in the direction and magnitude of the geomagnetic field. The important culprits that can cause geomagnetic storms include solar flares and explosive prominences. The energy released by this intense solar activity passes through space and will eventually reach Earth. In recent days, the National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center has repeatedly issued yellow warnings for solar flares on its official Weibo account, but red warnings are relatively rare.

“We have observed that since the beginning of May this year, solar flares began to occur frequently, including multiple X-level flares (the highest level), plus several consecutive full halo CMEs observed from May 8 to 9, all facing the Earth, we can predict that this geomagnetic storm may be a super strong magnetic storm.” Cheng Zhengwei, associate researcher of the National Center for Space Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, told the First Finance and Economics reporter.

Wang Jinsong, Director of the National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center, previously introduced at a press conference held by the China Meteorological Administration that monitoring indicates that this solar activity week has entered its peak year stage. According to the latest analysis, the peak of this solar activity cycle is expected to arrive from 2024 to 2025, and it is currently near the peak. Solar activity is relatively frequent, which is a normal natural phenomenon.

Regarding the impact of geomagnetic storms, the National Space Weather Monitoring and Warning Center stated that the impact of geomagnetic storms on organisms is mainly concentrated on those that rely on geomagnetic navigation, such as carrier pigeons; The impact on the human body is minimal and will not have any impact on physical health. Previously, rumors or jokes about geomagnetic storms causing insomnia, drowsiness, palpitations, and irritability were not scientific.

Professor Lu Gaopeng from the School of Earth and Space Sciences at the University of Science and Technology of China told a reporter from First Financial News, “Strong electric fields can harm the human body, but there is currently no scientific evidence to prove that strong magnetic fields can have specific effects on the human body.”

For Chinese astronauts who have just been transported to the space station by the Shenzhou-18 spacecraft, this geomagnetic storm is expected to have an impact. Lu Gaopeng told a reporter from First Financial News, “The impact of geomagnetic storms on astronauts is not reflected in their physical condition, but in their work environment, as the orbital operation of the space station will be greatly affected.”

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration of the United States, geomagnetic storms caused by solar flare activity may have various impacts on life on Earth; When radiation hits the magnetic field around the Earth, it causes fluctuations in the ionosphere (upper atmosphere). These changes may directly affect satellites and other spacecraft in orbit, changing their direction or potentially damaging their electronic devices.

This means that the main impact of geomagnetic storms will be reflected in communication and power grids, such as GPS navigation. Due to changes in the ionosphere, radio transmission attempting to reach satellites through the atmosphere may be hindered or reduced, which will affect GPS satellites that rely on penetrating ionospheric signals. Therefore, scientists predict that geomagnetic storms may affect key navigation technologies used in aircraft, ocean going vessels, and agriculture, oil, and gas industries.

“This geomagnetic storm will have an impact on satellite applications, and we are mainly evaluating this impact on the application side,” a technical leader from Shanghai Lianshi Navigation told a reporter from First Financial News

Experts say that for ordinary people, the impact of geomagnetic storms on communication may not be directly felt. This is because the communication wireless network used by consumers relies on different radio frequencies from the high-frequency band, and geomagnetic storms are unlikely to directly affect cellular services; The GPS function on mobile phones usually uses a combination of location tracking technology based on cellular base stations, so even if the GPS signal is interrupted, mobile phone users can still maintain a rough positioning function, but the accuracy of positioning may be affected.