Nanjing: Non registered residence residents who have legal and stable residence and actually live in Nanjing can directly handle the settlement

Nanjing: further relax the conditions for settlement. Non registered residence residents who have legal and stable residences in the city and actually live in the city can directly handle settlement.

On May 11th, the Nanjing Public Security Bureau issued a notice on matters related to legal and stable household registration.

In order to implement the relevant work deployment requirements of the municipal government, deepen the reform of the registered residence system in Nanjing, and orderly promote the household registration system with regular residence, the municipal bureau has studied and decided to further relax the conditions for settlement. Non registered residence residents who have legal and stable residence and actually live in the city can directly handle the settlement. The relevant matters are hereby notified as follows:

1、 Applicable scope

This notice applies to urban areas in this city.

2、 Applicable objects

1. Individuals who have a legal and stable residence (i.e. have obtained legal property rights housing) in urban areas of this city can apply for their own household registration to move into the housing. Their spouse, unmarried children, and parents (who have exceeded the legal retirement age or have completed retirement procedures) can apply for household registration to move together.

2. If the property rights of a house are jointly owned by two or more individuals, it shall be determined through consultation and consensus among all property owners that one of them applies for household registration and relocation. At the same time, they can apply for household registration and relocation in accordance with the provisions of the first paragraph of this article. Other joint property owners shall no longer be subject to the provisions of this notice.

3. If the property owner is a minor, they need to move in together with their guardian when applying for household registration.

3、 Handling requirements

(1) Application materials

To apply for household registration transfer, the applicant should be present in person and submit the following materials:

1. Application for household registration;

2. Household registration book and resident ID card;

3. Legal and stable residence materials.

Applicants for accompanying spouses, unmarried children, or parents (who have exceeded the statutory retirement age or have completed retirement procedures) shall submit relevant proof materials together with their household registration status. If the registration information in the household registration book can prove the family relationship, or if the population information management system of the public security organ can identify the family relationship, no separate proof of relationship will be provided.

The property rights of the house are jointly owned by two or more individuals, and a declaration of consent from other property owners and a resident ID card should be submitted together.

When submitting the application for settlement, the registered residence residents in the province can use the online functional vouchers of the household register and resident ID card in the “Souzhengtong” APP to replace the physical certificates. After being approved by the public security organ to move in, they need to carry the original of the household register to go through the settlement procedures.

(2) Acceptance approval

The application for legal and stable residence registration shall be accepted by the household registration department or police station of the district level public security organ, and the district level public security organ shall be responsible for approval.

Applicants can apply for household registration transfer through the “one-stop service within the province” and “cross provincial communication”. This means that applicants only need to submit an application to the public security organs of the intended destination, and the public security organs of the destination and the destination will work together to handle the household registration transfer, without the need to go to the destination to complete the household registration transfer procedures.

4、 Other instructions

1. The legal and stable residence specified in this notice only refers to residential buildings that have obtained legal ownership through purchase, inheritance, gift, etc.

2. The legal and stable residence materials specified in this notice only refer to the real estate ownership certificate (house ownership certificate, land use certificate) registered for residential use. If the legal and stable residence certificate cannot reflect the residential use, the application for household registration transfer should also provide a “Real Estate Registration Information Query Result Certificate”.

3. This notice shall come into effect from today and be valid for 3 years. This notice is implemented in parallel with the current registered residence policy of our city, and is implemented in accordance with the principle of “benefiting the parties”. The municipal public security bureau is responsible for the interpretation.