Hubei Province has released quantitative targets for new quality productivity, emphasizing the core position of “technological innovation” in many places

Major cities and many provinces across the country have formulated and issued action plans or implementation opinions.

On May 9th, at a press conference interpreting the “Implementation Opinions on Accelerating the Cultivation of New Quality Productivity and Promoting High quality Development” (hereinafter referred to as the “Implementation Opinions”), Hubei Province clarified the above quantitative goals for the development of new quality productivity.

The core essence of new qualitative productivity is to drive productivity to leap towards a new qualitative state through technological innovation. Liu Zhengbin, Deputy Director of the Development and Reform Commission of Hubei Province, introduced that Hubei is a major province in economy, science and education, and ecology, and has the foundation to build a national highland for the development of new quality productive forces. In the first quarter of this year, Hubei’s GDP grew by 6.1%, with major indicators higher than the national average and leading the central region. The main indicators representing the development level of new quality productivity have achieved impressive results: the added value of high-tech manufacturing increased by 21.5%, the revenue of the digital economy increased by 23.4%, and the transaction volume of technology contracts increased by 19.6%. In the 2024 National Science and Technology Award nominations, Hubei Province ranked second in the country in terms of the number of nominations.

It is understood that the Implementation Opinions consist of 7 aspects and 18 specific measures. In terms of activating core elements, we propose to build a strategic scientific and technological force layout of “dual centers, three corridors, and four platforms”, striving to carry out about 15 interdisciplinary disruptive technology research every year, break through about 30 key technologies in advantageous fields every year, and achieve an annual transaction volume of technology contracts in the province exceeding one trillion yuan.

In terms of consolidating industrial support, we will adhere to the “three line simultaneous development” of traditional industry transformation and upgrading, emerging industry cultivation and growth, and future industry forward-looking layout, and make breakthroughs in the development of five advantageous industries, leading the accelerated rise of the “51020” modern industrial cluster. The key is to win the “three major battles” for the transformation of the automotive, steel, and chemical industries, promote the doubling of computing power, storage capacity, transportation capacity, and green electricity, and deeply implement the “artificial intelligence+” action. The focus is on eight key projects, including breakthroughs in humanoid robots, 6G innovation and development, upgrading of high-end AI chips, tackling quantum technology, integrating brain computer interfaces, and leading synthetic biology.

Zhou Kaibin, Deputy Director of the Department of Economy and Information Technology of Hubei Province, introduced that the scale of the five advantageous industries in Hubei Province, including optoelectronic information, new energy and intelligent connected vehicles, life and health, high-end equipment manufacturing, and Beidou industry, has exceeded 3 trillion yuan, accounting for more than 60% of the above designated industries. Traditional industries such as automobiles, metallurgy, and chemicals are also moving forward. In the first quarter of this year, investment in industrial technology transformation in Hubei increased by 12.1%, a year-on-year increase of 10.4%. In terms of emerging characteristic industries such as computing power, big data, artificial intelligence, and new materials, the added value of high-tech manufacturing in Hubei increased by 21.5% in the first quarter of this year, contributing 28.7% to the growth of large-scale industries.

Chen Jun, Deputy Director of the Department of Science and Technology of Hubei Province, introduced that Hubei is accelerating the construction of a high-energy innovation platform matrix with national laboratories, Hubei laboratories, major scientific and technological infrastructure, national innovation platforms, and new research and development institutions as the core. Since its establishment over two years ago, Jiufengshan Laboratory has attracted more than 400 high-end talents from both domestic and international sources, becoming an important research and development base in the field of compound semiconductors in China. In order to facilitate the “new channel” for the transformation of new quality productivity achievements, Hubei has established a “three networks and one package” service system. In 2023, the province’s technology contract transaction volume reached 480.224 billion yuan, an increase of 59.8% compared to the previous year, and the ranking has jumped from 7th in the country to 3rd in the country. Hubei is also carrying out forward-looking layout in fields such as artificial intelligence, 6G, and humanoid robots, and the scale of the artificial intelligence industry is expected to exceed 100 billion yuan this year.

A journalist from First Financial News found that “new quality productivity” has been included in the “Government Work Report” for the first time and listed as the top ten tasks of government work in 2024. Since then, major cities and many provinces in China have formulated and issued action plans or implementation opinions.

From the perspective of common measures, various regions emphasize the core position of “technological innovation” in the development of new quality productive forces, and promote scientific and technological progress and innovation through the construction of research centers, implementation of scientific and technological projects, and strengthening research and development investment. By transforming traditional industries and cultivating emerging industries, the optimization and upgrading of industrial structure can be achieved, enhancing the competitiveness of the industrial chain. Through international cooperation and opening up to the outside world, introducing foreign investment and advanced international technology, and enhancing the international competitiveness of local industries. Emphasize the cultivation and introduction of talents, and provide human resource support for the development of new quality productive forces. Optimize the business environment, promote market-oriented reforms, and stimulate the vitality of market entities. Promote the transformation of industries towards green and low-carbon directions, and achieve sustainable development.